Men Imagining a Girl Revolution

MIT Building 3, Room 270 33 Massachusetts Ave (Rear), Cambridge, MA

Sharon Kinsella examines the media constructions of a teenage female revolt in contemporary Japan drawing from her current book project Girls as Energy: Fantasies of Social Rejuvenation.

Gendering Robots: Posthuman Sexism in Japan

MIT Building 32 (Stata Center), Room 155 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA

Jennifer Roberston explores and interrogates the gendering of humanoid robots manufactured today in Japan for use in the home and workplace.

Button Mash: Gender and Gaming at MIT

MIT Building N25, Room 373 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA

Issues around gender and gaming, as well as an opportunity for female MIT students who play digital games to come together to talk and play.

Women in Science

MIT Building 66, Room 110 25 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA

Computational geneticist Pardis Sabeti and energy studies expert Jessika Trancik will discuss their careers and the outlook for women in science in the 21st century.

Women in Politics: Representation and Reality

MIT Building 3, Room 270 33 Massachusetts Ave (Rear), Cambridge, MA

Women are chronically underrepresented in U.S. politics. Yet TV shows, fictions, and films have leapt ahead of the electoral curve. Political consultant Mary Anne Marsh and children/teens book author Ellen Emerson White look at the connections (if any) we can draw between representation and reality.

The Turn to “Tween”: An Age Category and its Cultural Consequences

MIT Building 3, Room 270 33 Massachusetts Ave (Rear), Cambridge, MA

How are “tweens” represented in popular culture, including music, television, and YA literature? And how does this relatively new age category intersect with--or elide--issues pertaining to race, class, and gender identity?

Sexual Harassment and Gender Equity in Science

MIT Building 3, Room 270 33 Massachusetts Ave (Rear), Cambridge, MA

Azeen Ghorayshi, MIT astronomer Sarah Ballard, and Harvard history of science professor Evelynn M. Hammonds discuss barriers to gender equality in the sciences and steps to over come them.

Barbie and Mortal Kombat 20 Years Later

MIT Building 56, Room 114 Access via 21 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA

Yasmin Kafai and Gabriela Richard expand the discussions on gender, race, and sexuality in gaming.

Visual Representations of Race and Gender: Analyzing “Me” in #IfTheyGunnedMeDown on Tumblr

MIT Building 56, Room 114 Access via 21 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA

Jenny Korn uses critical race theories and intersectional feminist theories to analyze the visual and textual content of the blog #IfTheyGunnedMeDown to reveal constructions of social justice, respectability politics, media biases, racial stereotypes, viral popularity, and hashtag activism on Tumblr.