What elements of teaching practice can be effectively translated into new media, and what aspects of “teaching” must be redefined?
Video: “A Conversation with Nate Silver”
The statistician and political polling analyst Nate Silver discusses his career — from student journalist to baseball prognosticator to the creator of FiveThirtyEight.com.
Podcast: “A Conversation with Nate Silver”
The statistician and political polling analyst Nate Silver discusses his career — from student journalist to baseball prognosticator to the creator of FiveThirtyEight.com.
Podcast, “New Media in West Africa”
Despite many infrastructural and economic hurdles, entertainment media industries are burgeoning in West Africa.
Podcast, Linda Gregerson: “Why I Write Poems”
Linda Gregerson discusses her new book of poems, The Selvage, and her calling as a poet and professor of Renaissance literature.
Video: George Lakoff, “The Brain’s Politics: How Campaigns Are Framed and Why”
Everything we learn, know and understand is physical—a matter of brain circuitry. This basic fact has deep implications for how politics is understood.
Video: “Electronic Literature and Future Books”
How electronic literature has influenced other media and the implications of having literary projects in the digital sphere alongside other forms of communication and art.