American makeover culture, thorough detailed case studies that represent an increasing confluence of commerce, entertainment, and, at times, spirituality.
Podcast: Futures of Entertainment 2: “Opening Remarks (Day Two)”
With Jason Mittell, Middlebury College; Jonathan Gray, Fordham University; and Lee Harrington, Miami University
Podcast: Futures of Entertainment 2: “Fan Labor”
What do we gain by applying a theory of labor to think about the invisible work performed by fans and other consumers within the new media economy?
Futures of Entertainment 2
Developments in advertising, cult media, metrics, measurement, and accounting for audiences, cultural labor and audience relations.
As the World Turns in a Convergence Culture
How the soap opera industry is and could be further adapting to the technological and social changes of a convergence culture to maintain and revitalize the genre’s relevance for viewers and advertisers alike.
Expectations Across Entertainment Media
The implicit contract between the purveyor of an entertainment property and their audience, and the consequences of frustrating audience expectations.
Podcast: Mick Foley, “The Real World”s Faker than Wrestling”
Mick Foley, one of the top wrestling performers of the past decade, talked about his experiences as an entertainer and bestselling author who has written three memoirs.