Evidence of community among listeners to three radio programs, who gather online to discuss radio programming in blogs, message boards and discussion forums.
Grande Wi-Fi: Understanding What Wi-Fi Users Are Doing in Coffee-Shops
The social implications of introduction of Wi-Fi in coffee-shops.
Spacing Innovation and Learning in Design Organizations
What is the relationship between spaces and innovation in the context of design organizations such as IDEO, the MIT Media Lab and Design Continuum?
Tensions in Live-Action Roleplaying Game Design: A Case Study with the MIT Assassins’ Guild
An analysis of the MIT Assassins’ Guild Live-Action Roleplaying games, providing five kinds of tensions in the design and the implementation of mechanics.
We Are Like This Only: Desis and Hindi Films in the Diaspora
A theoretical framework and a set of analytical tools that might help us understand how Hindi films are watched in the Indian-American diaspora.
Collaborative News Networks: Distributed Editing, Collective Action, and the Construction of Online News on Slashdot.org
An examination of the social practices and processes surrounding the production, consumption and distribution of news on Slashdot.
Anthropology of Nostalgia: Primitivism and the Antimodern Vision in the American Southwest, 1880-1930
“Indigenous populations and rural areas become as central to the activities and investments of modernism as urban Western ones.”