David Carr and Dan Kennedy on the migration of newspapers to the internet and what that means for traditional concepts of journalism.
Repsonse to the New York Times Magazine’s “Quest to Learn” article
“If the article has a short-coming, it is that it undersells the long history of education reform efforts that brought us to this moment.”
“China’s Cyberposse”: CMS grad Jin Liwen in NYTimes Sunday Magazine
“But in China, you will see that a lot of hot topics, hot news or events actually originate from online discussions.”
GAMBIT’s Philip Tan in the New York Times
Does Farmville’s popularity signal a wish for quieter times? “Some academics,” by which the Times means Philip Tan of the Gambit Game Lab, think so.
MIT Director Jay Scheib in New York Times
“Directed by Jay Scheib, ‘Addicted to Bad Ideas: Peter Lorre’s 20th Century’ is based on the band’s 2007 album of the same title.”