This talk will describe how looking at the code and platform levels can enhance our comparative media studies of computational works.
Three CMS blogs make list of “100 Best Blogs for New Media Students”
Included were Henry Jenkins’ Confessions of an Aca-Fan, Project New Media Literacies, and Nick Montfort’s Grand Text Auto.
Curveship: Interactive Fiction + Interactive Narration
Nick Montfort on a new interactive fiction system that draws on narrative theory and computational linguistics to allow the transformation of the narrating.
In Medias Res, Fall 2007
During the academic year, GAMBIT is allowing CMS to reinvent itself, to better achieve our goals inside both the classroom and the research laboratory.
Podcast: Media in Transition 5: “Summary Perspectives”
Suzanne de Castell, Fred Turner, Siva Vaidhyanathan, Jose van Dijck, and Nick Montfort wrap up Media in Transition 5.