Randy Testa, VP of Education and Professional Development, Walden Media, discusses creating educational content in tandem with commercial family films.
Podcast and video: “The Campaign and the Media 2”
The Obama campaign’s extensive deployment of digital media, especially its tech-savvy outreach to the young, was widely reported before the election. Some predicted that this digital advantage would make a decisive difference. Did it?
Ellen Hume to speak on news literacy
Helping young people learn how to navigate the news in ways that make them feel more connected to their world.
Project New Media Literacies: Moby-Dick and Reading in a Participatory Culture
MIT’s Project New Media Literacies is helping teachers in New England use Moby-Dick as a model to show teens how they might create and circulate media.
Chinese Online BBS Sphere: What BBS Has Brought to China
What have online bulletin board systems (BBS) brought to China where traditional media primarily serve as the mouthpiece of the government?
Podcast and video: “Youth and Civic Engagement”
The current generation of young citizens is growing up in an age of unprecedented access to information. Will this change their understanding of democracy? What factors will shape their involvement in the political process?
Project NML’s Erin Reilly and the Cyphibian Theory
Erin Reilly, the new Research Manager for Project NML, has arrived at the Comparative Media Studies program with a highly evolved philosophy about digital learning.